Get Proxy Data

Get Proxy Data

The Get Proxy Data endpoint allows you to retrieve detailed information about your proxy products, including credentials, balance, and endpoint details. This data is essential for integrating your proxies into applications and monitoring their usage.



Response Format

The API will return a JSON response with details about the proxy products linked to your account. Here is an example of the response structure:

  "success": true,
  "products": {
    "rp": {
      "username": "proxy_username",
      "password": "proxy_password",
      "balance_mb": 0,
      "endpoint": "",
      "ports": {
        "http": 1000,
        "socks5": 1002
    "rpc": {
      "username": "proxy_username",
      "password": "proxy_password",
      "balance_mb": 133700.848432,
      "endpoint": "",
      "ports": {
        "http": 1000,
        "socks5": 1002
    "mp": {
      "username": "proxy_username",
      "password": "proxy_password",
      "balance_mb": 0,
      "endpoint": "",
      "ports": {
        "http": 3000,
        "socks5": 3002
    "dcp": {
      "username": "proxy_username",
      "password": "proxy_password",
      "balance_mb": 0,
      "endpoint": "",
      "ports": {
        "http": 2000,
        "socks5": 2002
    "static_residential": {
      "packages": [],
      "ports": {
        "http": 12345,
        "socks5": 12346

Fields in the Response

  • success: Indicates whether the request was successful. It will always be true if the request was processed correctly.
  • products: An object containing detailed information about each proxy product available in your account.
    • username: The proxy username.
    • password: The proxy password.
    • balance_mb: The available data balance for the proxy in megabytes (MB).
    • endpoint: The endpoint for the proxy server (e.g.,
    • ports: The available ports for the proxy, including http and socks5.

Product Codes

Shortcode Product Name
rp Premium Residential
rpc Core Residential
dcp Datacenter Proxies
mp Mobile Proxies
static_residential Static Residential

Example Request

Here is an example of how you can make a request using curl:

curl -H "x-apikey: YOUR_API_KEY"

Our you could also pass the API key as a query parameter in the URL:

This will return the proxy data in JSON format, which you can then use in your application.

Common Errors

  • 401 Unauthorized: The API key provided is either missing or invalid. Ensure that you are passing the correct API key either in the URL or in the request header.
  • 500 Internal Server Error: This indicates a problem on our server side. Please contact support if you encounter this error.

For more information on how to authenticate your requests, check out the Authentication page.

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